Develop a Research Project

Research Opportunities

While the UCNets project has no open positions, there is a possibility that one may apply for NIH funding to take advantage of the panel.  One way is to analyze existing data. Another is to re-interview panelists in a specialized sub-survey and then link these data to the main data, therefore being able to keep the additional questions very limited.  In both cases, one can apply to NIH (NIA is our funder) using one of many grant programs, such as an R03 (small research grant), pre-doctoral (F31), or post-doctoral fellowships (F32, K01, K99-R00).  While we cannot provide any guarantee of success, or mentorship support for the research project itself, you may get assistance with the grant application from Dr. Leora Lawton, Director.

Questions regarding opportunities can be directed to Dr Lawton,