Bibliography of Networks Research
Bearman, Peter, and Parigi, Paolo (2004). Cloning headless frogs and other important matters: Conversation topics and network structures. Social Forces, 83(2), 535-557.
Bernard, H. Russell, Johnsen, Eugene C., Killworth, Peter D., McCarty, Christopher, Shelley, Gene A., and Robinson, Scott (1990). Comparing four different methods for measuring personal and social networks. Social Networks, 12, 179-215.
Bloem, Brigitte A., Van Tilburg, Theo G., and Thomése, Fleur (2008). Changes in older Dutch adults’ role networks after moving. Personal Relationships, 15, 465-478.
Burt, Ronald S. (1984). Network items in the general social survey. Social Networks, 6, 293-339.
Campbell, Karen E., and Lee, Barrett A. (1991). Name generators in surveys of personal networks. Social Networks, 13, 203-221.
Cornwell, Benjamin, Laumann, Edward O., and Schumm, L. Philip (2008). The social connectedness of older adults: A national profile. American Sociological Review, 73(2), 185-203.
Coromina, Lluis, and Coenders, Germa (2006). Reliability and validity of egocentered network data collected via web. A meta-analysis of multilevel multitrait multimethod studies. Social Networks, 28, 209–231.
Fischer, Claude S. (1982). To dwell among friends: Personal networks in town and city. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Fischer, Claude S. 1982. “What Do We Mean by `Friend’?” Social Networks 3: 287-306.
Fischer, Claude S., and Stacey Oliker, “A Research Note on Friendship, Gender, and the Life Cycle,” Social Forces 62: 124-33.
Fischer, Claude S., and Yossi Shavit, “National Differences in Network Density: Israel and the United States,” Social Networks 17: 129-45.
Hllebeck, Valentina, and Kogovsek, Tina (2011). How (not) to measure social support networks: The name generator vs. the role relation approach. Metodolzski zvezki, 8(2), 191-207.
Hllebeck, Valentina, Kogovsek, Tina, and Coenders, Germa (2012). Measurement quality of social support survey measurement instruments. Metodolzski zvezki, 9(1), 1-24.
Kees C.P.M., Knipscheer, T.C. and Antonucci, Toni C (1990). Maturing of the social network research in the Netherlands. In Social Network Research: Substantive Issues and Methodological Questions (pp. 1-16). Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlanger.
Kessler, Ronald C. (1992). Perceived support and adjustment to stress: Methodological considerations. In H.O.F. Veiel and U. Baumann The Meaning and Measurement of Social Support (pp. 259-271). New York, NY: Hemisphere.
Klofstad, Casey A., McClurg, Scott D., and Rolfe, Meredith (2009). Measurement of political discussion networks: A comparison of two “name generator” procedures. Public Opinion Quarterly, 73(3), 462-483.
Kogovsek, Tina (2006). Reliability and validity of measuring social support networks by web and telephone. Metodolzski zvezki, 3, 239–252.
Laumann, Edward O. (1969). Friends of urban men: An assessment of accuracy of reporting their socioeconomic attributes, mutual choice, and attitude agreement. Sociometry, 32(1), 54-69.
Lozar Manfreda, Katja, Vehovar, Vasja, and Hlebec, Valentina (2004). Collecting ego-centred network data via the web. Metodolzski zvezki, 1, 295–321.
Marin, Alexandra (2004). Are respondents more likely to list alters with certain characteristics? Implications for name generators data. Social Networks, 26, 289-307.
Marin, Alexandra, and Hampton, Keith N. (2007). Simplifying the personal network name generator: Alternatives to traditional multiple and single name generators. Field Methods, 19, 163-193.
Marsden, Peter V. (1990). Network data and measurement. Annual Review of Sociology, 16, 435-463.
Matzat, Uwe, and Snijders, Chris (2010). Does the online collection of ego-centered network data reduce data quality? An experimental comparison. Social Networks, 32, 105-111.
McCallister, Lynne and Fischer, Claude S. (1978). A procedure for surveying personal networks. Sociological Methods and Research, 7, 131-148.
Morgan, David L., Neal, Margaret B., and Carder, Paula (1996). The stability of core and peripheral networks over time. Social Networks, 19, 9-25.
Pustejovsky, James E., and Spillane, James P. (2009). Question-order effects in social network name generators. Social Networks 31, 221-229.
Sarason, Irwin G., Levine, Henry M., Basham, Robert B., and Sarason, Barbara R. (1983). Assessing social support: The social support questionnaire. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44 (1), 127-139.
Shaw, Benjamin A., Krause, Neal, Liang, Jersey, and Bennett, Joan (2007). Tracking changes in social relations throughout late life. Journal of Gerontology, 62B(2), S90-S99.
Small, Mario L. (2013). Weak ties and the core discussion network: Why people regularly discuss important matters with unimportant alters. Social Networks, in-press.
Straits, Bruce C. (2000). Ego’s important discussants or significant people: An experiment in varying the wording of personal network name generators. Social Networks, 22, 123-40.
van der Poel, Mart G. M. (1993). Delineating personal support networks. Social Networks, 15, 49-70.
van Sondoren, Eric, Ormel, Johan, Brilman, Els I., and van Linden van den Heuvell, Chiquit (1990). Personal network delineation: A comparison of the exchange, affective and role-relation approach. In Chiquit Knipscheer, Kees C.P.M., Toni C. Antonucci Social Network Research: Substantive Issues and Methodological Problems (pp. 101-120). Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlanger.
van Tilburg, Theo G. (1998). Losing and gaining in old age: Changes in personal network size and social support in a four-year longitudinal study. Journal of Gerontology, 53B, 313–323
van Tilburg, Theo G. (2003). Consequences of men’s retirement for the continuation of work-related personal relationships. Ageing International, 4, 345-358.
Vehovar, Vasja, Lozar Manfreda, Katja, Koren, Gasper, and Hlebec, Valentina (2008). Measuring ego-centered social networks on the web: questionnaire design issues. Social Networks, 30, 213–222.
Wellman, Barry (1979). The community question: the intimate networks of East Yorkers. American Journal of Sociology, 84, 1201–1231.
Wellman, Barry, Wong, Renita Yuk-lin, Tindall, David, and Nazer, Nancy A. (1997). A decade of network change: Turnover, persistence and stability in personal communities. Social Networks, 19, 27–50.
Wethington, Elaine, and Kessler, Ronald C. (1986). Perceived support, received support, and adjustment to stressful life events. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 27(1), 78-89.