Data & Documentation
Wave 1 of the UCNets data are now available from the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), located within ICPSR, funded by the National Institute on Aging. The persistent URL is You can find the data (and related descriptions) at:
The official publication citation to be used for these data is:
Fischer, Claude. Understanding How Personal Networks
Change: Wave 1. ICPSR36975-v1. Ann Arbor, MI:
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social
Research [distributor], 2018-01-31.
Main Study
Data for the entire 3 waves will be available for public release some time in late spring 2020 (all were submitted to NACDA in December 2019), however it is be possible to request access. For data requests, please download and complete the Data Use Agreement. and send it to Until available in NACDA, all data sets are in SPSS, which can be ready by Stata and R, and easily converted to other formats using StatTransfer.
LGB Subsample
SubSample on LGB 50-70 year olds: A SubSample of 312 LGB men and women will be available at a time to be determined. Please contact Professor Tara McKay, at Vanderbilt University, for more information.
COVID-19 and Mental Health
This study consists of about 600 respondents, reached by email invitation for a web survey, fielded in fall 2020. The main (ego) data are available by request to, and the names (alter) data are not yet available for public use (as of March 23, 2022).
- Screeners:
- Recruitment screener survey (UCNets_ScreeningSurvey_Oct2017)
- Programming version: Screener (Programming version)
- Surveys:
- Programming versions
- Wave 1, web version: ucnets web_W1_final 2015-16
- Wave 2, web version: Main Survey Wave 2 _Web
- Wave 3, face-to-face version: Main Survey Wave 3 FTF
- Documentation: sampling, weights, etc. Please read carefully prior to analyses.
- Sampling Variants: Differences Due to Subsampling Algorithm Variants
- Table of variables by wave. The document allows the user to see which variables are in which waves.
- Codebook – All three waves
Ego data – main file
Alters data – names file